Burnout Wiki
Race (Burnout Revenge)

Race Icon

Race is the primary classic event type in Burnout Revenge. The aim is to complete a certain number of laps of a given track to come in first place.


Races in Burnout Revenge follow the same typical rules in previous Burnout titles, and in most other arcade racers. Lap amounts in Revenge, however, vary depending on the length of the track and the Top Speed of the car the player is driving. In a starting car, a long track like White Mountain will only be a single lap, while using the fastest cars on the same track can warrant up to three. Medals are only given for placing in Third, Second and First, offering Bronze, Silver and Gold, respectively. Like all Burnout Revenge events, you can also get Star Ratings. Star Ratings are earned by driving dangerously, and increase your Burnout Rank.

As in Burnout 3, Takedowns make racing against opponents more about combat as opposed to simply overtaking them. Taking down opponents is one of the most effective ways to earn boost because it extends your boost and then fills it to the brim. Takedowns are easier to achieve in Revenge because there are now more nooks and protrusions in the walls to force rivals into (but also make it easier for the players themselves to crash). Another more violent approach to earning boost is the new Traffic Check feature. This allows you to slam into the rear of cars and vans, and is ideal for one way streets which aren't Oncoming.

Shortcuts and alternate routes are also a new aspect of the tracks to consider in Burnout Revenge. Now the main route is not the only way to travel through a track. Alternates and Shortcut routes are marked by a pair of flashing blue light beacons similar to traffic lights, and acting like goal posts (in the sense that you drive in between them). Alternates are usually just a secondary route, however Shortcuts cut corners and greatly improve lap times, providing an edge over rivals, most of whom take the normal route.

Revenge Race Events[]

Here is a list of Race events along the Burnout Revenge World Tour. Any Race events that need to be unlocked by earning a medal in another event are those in the same rank. Events which have an icon in the CB category have their Crashbreakers activated!

Rank CB Location Circuit How to Unlock
Harmless Sunshine Keys (Reverse) Earn a Medal in Preview event (Angel Valley)
Harmless Motor City Short (Reverse) Earn a Medal in Traffic Attack (Sunshine Keys)
UnSafe Eternal City Long (Forwards) Earn a medal in Burning Lap event (Eternal City)
UnSafe Eternal City Long (Reverse) Earn a medal in Race event (Eternal City)
UnSafe Crashbreaker White Mountain (Forwards) Earn a medal in Race event (Eternal City)
Reckless Central Route Long (Reverse) Earn a medal in Eliminator event (Eastern Bay)
Reckless Eastern Bay Long (Forwards) Earn a medal in Burning Lap event (Central Route)
Offensive Angel Valley (Forwards) Earn Rank 4 (Offensive)
Offensive Lone Peak (Forwards) Earn a medal in Eliminator event (Motor City)
Fearless Crashbreaker Eternal City Long (Reverse) Earn a medal in Burning Lap event (White Mountain)
Fearless Crashbreaker Eternal City Short (Reverse) Earn a medal in Traffic Attack event (White Mountain)
Dangerous Crashbreaker Central Route Short (Reverse) Earn a medal in Preview event (White Mountain)
Dangerous Crashbreaker Eastern Bay Lower Link (Reverse) Earn Rank 6 (Dangerous)
Dangerous Crashbreaker Eastern Bay Lower Link (Forwards) Earn a medal in Crashbreaker Road Rage event (Central Route)
Insane Crashbreaker Sunshine Keys (Reverse) Earn a medal in Traffic Attack event (Angel Valley)
Insane Crashbreaker Motor City Long (Reverse) Earn a medal in Traffic Attack event (Angel Valley)
Insane Crashbreaker Angel Valley (Forwards) Earn a medal in Crashbreaker Eliminator event (Sunshine Keys)
Maniac Crashbreaker Eternal City Long (Reverse) Earn a Rank 8 (Maniac)
Maniac Crashbreaker Eternal City Short (Reverse) Earn a medal in Crashbreaker Road Rage event (White Mountain)
Maniac Crashbreaker White Mountain (Forwards) Earn a medal in Crashbreaker Eliminator event (Eternal City)
Assassin Crashbreaker Angel Valley (Reverse) Earn a medal in Crashbreaker Eliminator event (Central Route)
Assassin Crashbreaker Central Route Long (Forwards) Earn a medal in Crashbreaker Eliminator event (Angel Valley)
Assassin Crashbreaker Central Route Short (Reverse) Earn a medal in Crashbreaker Road Rage event (Lone Peak)
Assassin Crashbreaker Eastern Bay Upper Link Earn Rank 9 (Assassin)
Dominator Crashbreaker Sunshine Keys (Reverse) Earn a medal in Traffic Attack event (Angel Valley)
Dominator Crashbreaker Lone Peak (Forwards) Earn a medal in Traffic Attack event (Sunshine Keys)
Dominator Crashbreaker Eastern Bay Long (Forwards) Earn a medal in Burning Lap event (Motor City)